SWAAGlist is our division's email list. SWAAGlist provides news and information about SWAAG activities and geography in the SWAAG region more broadly. Below you can sign up to receive emails from SWAAGlist or request deletion of your existing SWAAGlist registration.
Please note that content posted to the SWAAGlist forum should be limited to SWAAG business, SWAAG annual meetings, student opportunities in the SW Region, and job opportunities in the SW Region. For all other topics (e.g. AAG session proposals/info, journal special issues, new books/articles), please post to the appropriate AAG Knowledge Communities. The reason for this limitation is to minimize cross-postings and prevent filling people's inboxes, which might cause them to want to leave the group and prevent them from receiving future SWAAG-specific information. Note that you can post any material related to the SW Region on the SWAAG Facebook page as well. You may also tweet us @SouthwestAAG! |
© Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographers. All rights reserved.