The Southwestern Geographer is in transition. A new team has taken on the role of editorial leadership. We welcome Rory Hill, Oklahoma State University (2025 Editor) and Ramona Malczynski, University of New Mexico (Editor-in-Training). Please contact them with journal inquiries as we recreate the journal.
The SWG's editorial board is as follows:
The SWG's editorial board is as follows:
- Dr. Sarah W. Bednarz, Texas A&M University
- Dr. Alberto Giordano, Texas State University
- Dr. Alyson Greiner, Oklahoma State University
- Dr. Ronald R. Hagelman, III, Texas State University
- Dr. Andy Hilburn, Texas A&M International University
- Dr. Randy Peppler, University of Oklahoma
- Dr. Erik Prout, Texas A&M University
- Dr. Robert V. Rohli, Louisiana State University
- Dr. Michael S. Yoder, University of Central Arkansas
© Southwest Division of the Association of American Geographers. All rights reserved.