You can download a *.pdf version of SWAAG's bylaws here.
Section 1. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographers (SWAAG).
Section 2. Objectives
The objectives and purpose of this organization will be to further professional investigations in geography; to encourage the application of geographic findings in education, government, and business; and to improve and elevate the public image of geography.
Section 3. Authority
SWAAG is organized in accordance with Article VI of the Constitution of the American Association of Geographers (AAG). Nothing herein contained shall be construed as contradictory to that constitution, and in case of conflict the Constitution and the Council of the AAG shall be considered the final authorities.
Section 4. Membership
The membership of SWAAG shall consist of all members of the AAG whose Association mailing addresses lie within the bounded area of the Southwest Division as now or subsequently fixed by the AAG Council.
Section 5. Officers and Councilor
The officers of SWAAG shall be Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Student Representatives, all of whom shall be members of the Division and the Association. SWAAG officers and the immediate past Chair shall constitute the Executive Committee. The immediate past Chair of SWAAG shall be considered available to the incumbent Chair as advisor, and in this capacity will serve in the absence of the Chair. In the event of vacancy in the office of Chair, the immediate past Chair shall resume that office, serving until the next annual meeting of the SWAAG. The Division shall be represented on the Council of the Association by an elected Councilor, as authorized by the National Constitution and Bylaws.
5a. Term of Office
The officers of SWAAG shall serve for a term of one year, holding office from January 1 until December 31 of the year following the Fall annual meeting of the SWAAG (2015, 2016, 2017, etc.). The elevation of the Secretary to the office of Chair, and Treasurer to Secretary, although commonplace, shall not be considered automatic. The Councilor shall be elected for a term of three years (Election: Fall 2014, 2017, 2020, etc.).
5b. Method of Nomination
The Chair shall appoint a nominating committee for each and all elections to be composed of no fewer than three persons representing at least two states and three institutions of the Southwest Division. At least one nominee, with appropriate vita, for each position shall be submitted to those in attendance at the Fall annual meeting preceding the election year (2015, 2016, 2017, etc.). Nominations may also be made by members attending the annual meeting or by petition within a three week period following the annual meeting at which the nominating committee announces its nominations. Petitions must be supported and bear the signatures of twenty members in good standing.
5c. Election of Officers
Election of the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Councilor, and Student Representatives shall be by a ballot distributed by the Secretary to SWAAG members electronically or, by request, by mail, and collected by the Chair, with a majority vote required of ballots received for election. In the event that the Chair is nominated for another term, the Past Chair or Regional Councilor will collect the ballots. Election will be held following the appropriate Fall meeting. Eligibility to vote for the Student Representative is limited to students who are members of the Division and the Association. Special elections may be called by the Executive Committee.
Section 6. Dues and Fees
Membership in SWAAG is extended to members of the AAG without payment of additional dues or fees, except as hereafter noted. Registration fees for the Fall meeting of SWAAG may be charged to each attendee to cover the necessary expenses of holding such meetings and for supporting publications and special publications of SWAAG as determined by the membership. SWAAG membership dues or special fees are not excluded from future consideration by proper action of the membership.
Section 7. Duties of Officers, Councilor, and Executive Committee
7a. Chair
Section 8. Division Meetings
8a. Business Meetings
At the Fall meeting the business of SWAAG shall be transacted.
8b. Fall Meeting
The host institution will appoint a local arrangements committee which will be responsible for planning and supervising arrangements, program, field trip(s), and similar activities for the Fall divisional meeting. The format and program for the meeting proposed by the committee should be in consultation with the Chair of SWAAG.
8c. Student Paper / Poster Competitions
At each meeting, student papers/posters entered in competition will be judged by an appropriate panel. The amount of monetary awards will be determined by the Executive Committee. The panel of judges will be appointed by the Treasurer. Awards will be made during the banquet.
8d. World Geography Bowl
A World Geography Bowl will be held at each meeting. The event will be organized by the SWAAG Secretary in coordination with the host institution and executed by moderators, judges, and scorekeepers appointed by the Secretary. The awards will be determined by the Executive Committee and made during the banquet.
Section 9. Publication and Research
SWAAG may establish, subject to the approval of the Council of the AAG, research projects and/or publications. Research projects established by SWAAG are expected to advance knowledge of the various sub-disciplines of geography, specifically to support the expansion of knowledge about geographic processes in the states comprising the SWAAG region. Publications established by SWAAG are aimed (but not exclusively) at the dissemination of peer-reviewed work about the states comprising the SWAAG region, or the work of members of the SWAAG region.
Section 10. Rules of Order
Where not inconsistent with these Bylaws or the AAG Constitution, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of SWAAG business.
Section 11. Quorums
SWAAG members in attendance at business meetings shall constitute a quorum. Elections will be determined by simple majority of votes of members cast.
Section 12. Changes in Bylaws
These Bylaws may be revised or amended by proposing such revisions or amendments at the Fall business meeting or through direct contact to SWAAG members. A ballot will be distributed electronically, or by mail if requested, by the Secretary to all SWAAG members; a two-thirds majority of votes received within 30 days of distribution will determine the results.
Bylaws as adopted 21 October 2016 in Denton, TX
Section 1. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographers (SWAAG).
Section 2. Objectives
The objectives and purpose of this organization will be to further professional investigations in geography; to encourage the application of geographic findings in education, government, and business; and to improve and elevate the public image of geography.
Section 3. Authority
SWAAG is organized in accordance with Article VI of the Constitution of the American Association of Geographers (AAG). Nothing herein contained shall be construed as contradictory to that constitution, and in case of conflict the Constitution and the Council of the AAG shall be considered the final authorities.
Section 4. Membership
The membership of SWAAG shall consist of all members of the AAG whose Association mailing addresses lie within the bounded area of the Southwest Division as now or subsequently fixed by the AAG Council.
Section 5. Officers and Councilor
The officers of SWAAG shall be Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Student Representatives, all of whom shall be members of the Division and the Association. SWAAG officers and the immediate past Chair shall constitute the Executive Committee. The immediate past Chair of SWAAG shall be considered available to the incumbent Chair as advisor, and in this capacity will serve in the absence of the Chair. In the event of vacancy in the office of Chair, the immediate past Chair shall resume that office, serving until the next annual meeting of the SWAAG. The Division shall be represented on the Council of the Association by an elected Councilor, as authorized by the National Constitution and Bylaws.
5a. Term of Office
The officers of SWAAG shall serve for a term of one year, holding office from January 1 until December 31 of the year following the Fall annual meeting of the SWAAG (2015, 2016, 2017, etc.). The elevation of the Secretary to the office of Chair, and Treasurer to Secretary, although commonplace, shall not be considered automatic. The Councilor shall be elected for a term of three years (Election: Fall 2014, 2017, 2020, etc.).
5b. Method of Nomination
The Chair shall appoint a nominating committee for each and all elections to be composed of no fewer than three persons representing at least two states and three institutions of the Southwest Division. At least one nominee, with appropriate vita, for each position shall be submitted to those in attendance at the Fall annual meeting preceding the election year (2015, 2016, 2017, etc.). Nominations may also be made by members attending the annual meeting or by petition within a three week period following the annual meeting at which the nominating committee announces its nominations. Petitions must be supported and bear the signatures of twenty members in good standing.
5c. Election of Officers
Election of the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Councilor, and Student Representatives shall be by a ballot distributed by the Secretary to SWAAG members electronically or, by request, by mail, and collected by the Chair, with a majority vote required of ballots received for election. In the event that the Chair is nominated for another term, the Past Chair or Regional Councilor will collect the ballots. Election will be held following the appropriate Fall meeting. Eligibility to vote for the Student Representative is limited to students who are members of the Division and the Association. Special elections may be called by the Executive Committee.
Section 6. Dues and Fees
Membership in SWAAG is extended to members of the AAG without payment of additional dues or fees, except as hereafter noted. Registration fees for the Fall meeting of SWAAG may be charged to each attendee to cover the necessary expenses of holding such meetings and for supporting publications and special publications of SWAAG as determined by the membership. SWAAG membership dues or special fees are not excluded from future consideration by proper action of the membership.
Section 7. Duties of Officers, Councilor, and Executive Committee
7a. Chair
- Serve as presiding officer at Executive Committee or any business meeting of SWAAG.
- Appoint an interim Secretary or Treasurer when vacancies occur in those offices between annual meetings of SWAAG.
- Appoint members and chair of such standing committees as may be considered necessary.
- Act on behalf of SWAAG in circumstances not otherwise covered by the Bylaws.
- Send letters of thanks to meeting sponsors and their university administrators.
- Receive and be responsible for the monitoring of elections.
- File such reports as are required by the AAG and its publications.
- Carry on all other correspondence for SWAAG as needs arise, or as directed by the Chair.
- Maintain and pass on to the successor, in good order, the records of SWAAG.
- Distribute ballots for the election of officers and ratification of Bylaws revisions.
- Publish the newsletter.
- Organize the World Geography Bowl and coordinate with the host institution to execute the event.
- Conduct all financial transactions of SWAAG, including specifically filing the annual request for the Division's membership rebate from the Central Office of AAG.
- Appoint the panel for student paper competitions and take responsibility for the organization and operation of this event.
- The duties of the councilor are as provided in the National Constitution.
- Solicit student input and report to the executive committee findings on SWAAG business.
- Assist other officers in encouraging and coordinating student participation in SWAAG activities, including (but not limited to) student paper and poster competitions, World Geography Bowl, and scholarship programs.
- Conducts business between SWAAG meetings.
- Recommends policies for consideration at SWAAG meetings.
- Advises and works with SWAAG committees.
Section 8. Division Meetings
8a. Business Meetings
At the Fall meeting the business of SWAAG shall be transacted.
8b. Fall Meeting
The host institution will appoint a local arrangements committee which will be responsible for planning and supervising arrangements, program, field trip(s), and similar activities for the Fall divisional meeting. The format and program for the meeting proposed by the committee should be in consultation with the Chair of SWAAG.
8c. Student Paper / Poster Competitions
At each meeting, student papers/posters entered in competition will be judged by an appropriate panel. The amount of monetary awards will be determined by the Executive Committee. The panel of judges will be appointed by the Treasurer. Awards will be made during the banquet.
8d. World Geography Bowl
A World Geography Bowl will be held at each meeting. The event will be organized by the SWAAG Secretary in coordination with the host institution and executed by moderators, judges, and scorekeepers appointed by the Secretary. The awards will be determined by the Executive Committee and made during the banquet.
Section 9. Publication and Research
SWAAG may establish, subject to the approval of the Council of the AAG, research projects and/or publications. Research projects established by SWAAG are expected to advance knowledge of the various sub-disciplines of geography, specifically to support the expansion of knowledge about geographic processes in the states comprising the SWAAG region. Publications established by SWAAG are aimed (but not exclusively) at the dissemination of peer-reviewed work about the states comprising the SWAAG region, or the work of members of the SWAAG region.
Section 10. Rules of Order
Where not inconsistent with these Bylaws or the AAG Constitution, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of SWAAG business.
Section 11. Quorums
SWAAG members in attendance at business meetings shall constitute a quorum. Elections will be determined by simple majority of votes of members cast.
Section 12. Changes in Bylaws
These Bylaws may be revised or amended by proposing such revisions or amendments at the Fall business meeting or through direct contact to SWAAG members. A ballot will be distributed electronically, or by mail if requested, by the Secretary to all SWAAG members; a two-thirds majority of votes received within 30 days of distribution will determine the results.
Bylaws as adopted 21 October 2016 in Denton, TX
© Southwest Division of the Association of American Geographers. All rights reserved.